ALA 2012: FRBR Presentation Four

“Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries”
8am on Sunday, June 24, 2012
Speakers: Erik Mitchell & Carolyn McCallum, Thomas Hickey, Yin Zhang & Athena Salaba, Jennifer Bowen

Presentation 4 of 4

“FRBR and XC: Participatory Design”
Jennifer Bowen

No slides available for this presentation.

Bowen began her presentation with a brief introduction to the eXtensible Catalog (XC).

She then noted that user studies were built into the development of XC. The participatory design included observations of users working, surveys, and interviews. They asked users what they wanted.

The findings of that research were not FRBR-specific but what users wanted basically matched the FRBR model:

  • Users have preferred material and format types
  • Users want to know why items are on a result list
  • Users want to choose between versions of resource and see the relationships between resources

For ever-changing future needs, XC has a customizable user interface. Browsing of a collection of resources can be customized based on some common attribute or relationship within the collection.

Finally, Bowen concluded that their research showed that aspects of FRBR do address what users need to do.

Related links:
The results of the research are available in the book Scholarly Practice, Participatory Design and the eXtensible Catalog

ALA 2012: FRBR Presentation Three

“Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries”
8am on Sunday, June 24, 2012
Speakers: Erik Mitchell & Carolyn McCallum, Thomas Hickey, Yin Zhang & Athena Salaba, Jennifer Bowen

Presentation 3 of 4

“Research, Development and Evaluation of a FRBR-based Catalog Prototype”
Yin Zhang & Athena Salaba

Presentation Slides

Presentation outline:

  • background of the project
  • research and development of the project
  • user evaluation of the project
  • conclusion/next steps


Zhang began the presentation by discussing the background of the project. While FRBR has the potential for libraries to develop better and more effective catalogs and discovery tools, there is not much in the way of guidance for how to implement FRBR. User studies are still few and far between. KSU received IMLS funding to develop and research FRBR-based systems. As part of that project, KSU conducted a series of user studies.


1. Run user evaluation studies on FRBR-based catalogs already in existence
2. Put together a FRBR-ized data set
3. Develop an initial set of displays
4. User feedback on the developed prototypes

Step One

The first step was to evaluate existing FRBR-based catalogs. They evaluated three existing FRBR-based catalogs for user experiences and support for the FRBR tasks: OCLC, FictionFinder, and Libraries Australias. The results of the evaluation served as the basis for their own FRBR prototype catalog.

Step Two

The next step was to extract Library of Congress bib records and authority records from WorldCat. They used OCLC’s Workset algorithm to identify works, but applied their own algorithm to identify expressions and manifestations. The results of this were used to develop FRBR-based displays.

Step Three

In the third step, they developed the layouts for the FRBR-based displays based of:

  • works from an author search
  • works from a subject search
  • works from a title search
  • expressions from a language/form search
  • manifestation (slide 7)

Step Four

Finally, they sought user feedback on the interface design. The study participants were interviewed using printed display layouts as prompts and asked about data elements and functions. The feedback was incorporated into the final prototype catalog programming.

Here I have appended a screenshot of the prototype catalog search results taken from presentation slide 10 and a screenshot taken of LC’s current catalog search results where I tried to run approximately the same search.

FRBR prototype catalog

Traditional catalog

Instead of the gazillion search results all strung out over many pages as seen in the traditional catalog (is this another record for the same thing that I already looked at three pages ago?), in the prototype, the records are gathered together under the author/title work sets and then by form and language. The resulting display seems cleaner and more compact, while still presenting plenty of information. It seems so obvious to me that catalogs should have always worked this way.

Study Design

Next Salaba discussed the study design for having users actually evaluate the FRBR prototype. They used a comparative approach: with the same set of records, they had users search using both the traditional catalog and the FRBR prototype catalog. The study group contained 34 participants and data was collected via observations, interviews, audio recordings and screen captures.

The participants were given two kinds of search strategies to pursue. The first set of searches were predefined and users were asked to evaluated the resulting displays. In the second set, participants were given criteria and allowed to use their own search strategies.


Overall, most users (85%) preferred the FRBR prototype for all of the searches they did. The table on slide 14 breaks down the findings into the categories of language or type of materials, author, title, title and publication information, entertainment, research, and a general topic. The biggest difference in searching the two catalogs was that the FRBR prototype allowed users to find expressions. Since the current catalog only provides access at the manifestation level and does not group by language or format, this cannot really be a surprise.

Features that the participants found “helpful”:
Grouping of results by work and expression (65%)
Refining results (24%)
Alphabetical order of results display (15%)
Interface appearance (24%)

Features that participants thought needed improvement:
More detail before manifestation level display (15%)
Prefer individual manifestation level results (9%)
Listing a resource under each language of a multi-language resource (3%)

88% of participants thought that clustering the resources by work/expression/manifestation made it easier to find things. 91% thought that the navigation made sense and was helpful in performing searches. One participant found the FRBR prototype less helpful for searching for a specific title, but helpful when searching for a specific topic.


Salaba noted the importance of user input into the design and implementation of FRBR-based catalogs. The study showed that users can successfully complete searching tasks using the FRBR-based catalog and that users do understand and can navigate the FRBR-based displays.

Finally, Salaba stated that more research is needed into other FRBR implementations, with more studies comparing those implementations. She noted that other issues include:

  • FRBRization algorithms
  • Existing MARC records
  • Attributes and relationships
  • FRBR-based catalogs the support user tasks
  • Displays

Additionally, it is unknown at this point how RDA and Linked Data will work into the whole equation.

Related links:

Article (2007): Critical Issues and Challenges Facing FRBR Research and Practice

Article (2007): From a Conceptual Model to Application and System Development

Poster (2007): User Research and Testing of FRBR Prototype Systems

Article (2009): User Interface for FRBR User Tasks in Online Catalogs

Article (2009): What is Next for Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records? A Delphi Study

Book (2009): Implementing FRBR in Libraries: Key Issues and Future Directions

Presentation for the ALA 2010 Annual Conference: FRBRizing MARC Records Based on FRBR User Tasks

Presentation for ASIST 2010 Annual Conference: FRBR User Research and a User Study on Evaluating FRBR Based Catalogs

An abstract for a presentation at a panel discussion at ASIST 2010: FRBR Implementation and User Research

An abstract for a presentation at a panel discussion of FRBR at ASIST 2011: Developing FRBR-Based Library Catalogs for Users

ALA 2012: FRBR Presentation Two

“Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries”
8am on Sunday, June 24, 2012
Speakers: Erik Mitchell & Carolyn McCallum, Thomas Hickey, Yin Zhang & Athena Salaba, Jennifer Bowen

This is the second of four presentations given at this session.

Thomas Hickey

No slides found online for this presentation.

Hickey spoke about the use of FRBR at OCLC.

OCLC manages 275 million bibliographic records at the work, expression and manifestation levels. The bib records are already clustered by work level. OCLC has now started the process of clustering “content” which is roughly equivalent to expression and manifestation.

Clustering is done by creating normalized keys from a combination of the author and title. The advantage is that the process is straight-forward and efficient. The disadvantage is that the algorithm misses cataloging variations.

OCLC is now working with the GLIMIR (Global Library Manifestation Identifier) project. This project will cluster records at the manifestation level and assign an identifier. The algorithms for this project go beyond the author title keys used for workset creation into even the note fields. [NOTE: Examples given in the code4lib article include: publishing information and pagination.]

Using the GLIMIR algorithms they have discovered the same manifestation hiding in different worksets. They tried pushing changes back up to the workset level but it didn’t work very well. [NOTE: the code4lib article gives several examples of ways the GLIMIR has improved their de-duplication efforts. Was it a computational/technical problem?] They are moving to Hadoop and HBase now [?to improve their ability to handle copious amounts of data?].

The goal is to pull together all of the keys, group them and then separate them into coherent work[?] clusters. One problem is the friend of a friend issue. This is used to cluster similar items, but if A links to B and B links to C, are A and C the same thing?

In sum:

  • the new algorithms are much more forgiving of variations in the records
  • the iterations can be controlled
  • the records are much easier to re-cluster (the processing takes hours rather than months)
  • the work cluster assignments can happen in real time

Worldcat contains:
1.8 billion holdings
275 million worksets
20% non-singltons
80% holdings [have 42 per workset?]
Top 30 worksets — 3-10 thousand records
30-100 holdings
largest group 3.3 million
2.7 million keys
GLIMIR content set — 483 records

Music is problematic for clustering.

VIAF contains 1.5 million uniform title records
links to and from expressions
link to author from author/title

OCLC can also do clustering in multiple alphabets, using many, many cross-references.

ALA 2012: FRBR Presentation One

“Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries”
8am on Sunday, June 24, 2012
Speakers: Erik Mitchell & Carolyn McCallum, Thomas Hickey, Yin Zhang & Athena Salaba, Jennifer Bowen

This is the first of four presentations given at this session.

“FRBRizing Mark Twain”
Erik Mitchell & Carolyn McCallum

The presentation slides are available on Slideshare or view them in the embedded slideshow below.

Erik Mitchell and Carolyn McCallum discussed their project to apply the FRBR model to a group of records relating to Mark Twain. McCallum organized the data manually while Mitchell created a program to do it in an automated fashion. They then compared the results. This presentation covered:

  • Metadata issues that arose from applying FRBR
  • Issues in migration
  • Comparison of the automated technique to an expert’s manual analysis

Carolyn McCallum spoke first about the manual processing portion of the project.

For this project, they focused on the Group 1 entities (work, expression, manifestation and item). They extracted 848 records from the Z. Smith Reynolds Library catalog at Wake Forest University for publications that were either by Mark Twain or about him. Using Mark Twain ensured that the data set had enough complexity to reveal any problems. The expert cataloger then grouped the metadata into worksets using titles and the OCLC FRBR key.

In the cataloger’s assessment, there were 410 records that grouped into 147 total worksets (each one having 2 or more expressions). The other 420 records sorted out into worksets with only one expression each. The largest worksets were for Huckleberry Finn (26 records) and Tom Sawyer (14 records). The most useful metadata was title, author, and a combination of title and author.

A couple of problems that were identified in the process were that whole to part and expression to manifestation were not expressed consistently across the records and that determining boundaries between entities was difficult. The line where one work changes enough to become another expression or even a completely different work can be open to interpretation. McCallum suggested that the entity classification should be guided by the needs of the local collection.

Mitchell then spoke about the automated version of the processing.

Comparison keys comprised of the OCLC FRBR keys (author & title) were again used to cluster records into worksets. The results were not as good as the manual expert process but were acceptable and comparable to OCLC’s results. To improve the results using the automated process, they built a Python script to extract normalized FRBR keys out of the MARC data and compared those keys. This did improve the results.

In conclusion, Mitchell noted that the metadata quality is not so much a problem as the intellectual content. The complex relationships between the various works/expressions/manifestations are simply not described by the metadata. Both methods, manual and automated are time and resource consuming. Finally, new data models, like Linked Data, “are changing our view of MARC metadata” (slide 21).

Question from the audience about problems [with the modeling process?]
Answer: Process could not deal well with multiple authors.

Other related links:
McCallum’s summary of their presentation (about halfway through the post).
A poster from the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in 2011

ALA 2012: Linked Data & Next Generation Catalogs Session — Part 1

“Linked Data & Next Generation Catalogs”
ALA Annual Conference 2012
8am on Saturday, June 23
The speakers, in order, were Corey Harper, Phil Schreur, Ted Fons, Yvette Diven and Jennifer Bowen.
Presentation slides at: ALA Connect: Next Generation Catalog Interest Group

Part I: Corey Harper and Phil Schreur

“Linked Library Data: Publish, Enrich, Relate and Un-Silo”
Corey Harper (On Twitter as @chrpr)

Harper began his talk with a short overview of Linked Data. Linked Data is all about publishing data for re-use. Harper referenced a TED Talk by Tim Berners-Lee filmed in 2009 on his vision of the Semantic Web: “Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web”. [Incidentally, there is a follow-up TED Talk, “The year open data went worldwide,” by Tim Berners-Lee filmed in 2010 where he looks at some examples of how linked data can be used.]

Harper summarized Berners-Lee’s famous “Design Note” that defines Linked Data:
use URIs as names
provide information at the URI
includes links to other URIs

Next, Harper discussed metadata as a graph. Things and relationships are named with URIs allowing ease of integration across data sources. The graphs can be merged to create new explicit relationships between previously unconnected pieces of data.

Library data, however, is primarily string-based so it cannot be easily connected to other data sources. Slides 5-7 show the difference between a basic text-string description of a “thing” and the way that using URIs can allow that “thing” to link to other related “things.”

Finally, Harper quickly went over some of the terminology used in describing Linked Data.
A resource is a thing
A class is an abstraction of a type of thing
An individual is an instance of a class
A property is an attribute of individual
A statement or triple consists of the combination of resource, property, and value.
A graph is a visual representation of statements
An ontology is a domain-specific collection of classes and properties
Nodes are the subjects and objects in a graph
Arcs are the predicates in a graph
Domains and ranges provide constraints on nodes
The domain defines what things can be subjects
The range defines what things (or strings) can be objects
Literals are values that are strings rather than URIs
Named graphs are graphs where the URIs are treated as nodes [this is not clear to me]
These are still under development
[This is not on a slide, did I make it up?: Provenance allows you to know where the data comes from.]

Harper discussed the growth of the Linked Open Data cloud. Slides 11 and 12 show the growth from May 2007 to September 2011. Harper noted that Freebase has become almost as interlinked as DBpedia. Though Freebase is now owned by Google, anyone can add anything to it. For example, VIAF and have added their data into it, which means that the data has Freebase URIs [in addition to the URIs generated by the respective projects themselves].

Projects that are using Linked Data.
Google Refine allows the input of unstructured data and reconciles it against Freebase to create new links (slides 14 and 15).

RelFinder (slide 16) finds linkages between between data sets. [The RelFinder website states that “it extracts and visualizes relationships between given objects.”]

Next, Harper discussed Linked Open Data – Libraries, Archives & Museums (LOD-LAM). Two examples of these types of projects are Europeana and LOCAH: Linked Open Copac & Archives Hub.

Europeana describes 15 million European cultural items and includes data from the British Library, the Rijksmuseum and the Louvre. The data model builds on OAI-ORE.

LOCAH combines bibliographic and archival data. Using finding aids from over 200 institutions in the UK, they modeled EAD as RDF. [LOCAH has become Linking Lives.]

The Social Networks and Archival Context Project (SNAC)

Linking Lives


The Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI) is actively modeling ancient place names as linked data and is very excited to get librarians involved.

The Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report includes a related document, Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases that details over 50 use cases spread across a range of different categories, including bibliographic data, authority data, archives and heterogeneous metadata, citations, etc. (slides 31-34).

The Linked Open Data Special Interest Working Group of the International Group of Ex Libris Users (IGeLU) is working on incorporating Linked Open Data into its architecture. A public draft on their work is due in two weeks.

Linked Data is a distributed information ecosystem – it focuses on identification rather than description. [This is an important point to keep in mind. I think it is another paradigm shift like those discussed by Phil Shreur below.] All data retains its context and enriches the user experience. Library bibliographic data, on the other hand, has been removed from its context. A bibliographic record cannot, for example, tell a user anything detailed about the author’s life. Linked Data allows links to be made to outside sources that do provide such data.

Finally, Harper discussed facets and issues of Linked Data that are actively being worked on: provenance; licensing; best practices, modeling and infrastructure; and DCMI and W3C work.

Harper noted that the FRBR model is finding its way into other domains. [This seems to me that it is a validation of the model.]


“Shatter the Catalog, Free the Data, Link the Pieces”

Phil Schreur (LinkedIn profile)

Phil Schreur spoke about the stressors on our current catalogs and the Linked Data solution.

Schreur began his discussion of stressors with Google. Google has taught users to expect an all-inclusive, more-is-better approach to searching. As libraries try to adopt/adapt to this type of searching, the catalog starts to lose all local character. Carefully curated items become lost in the midst of giant dumps of e-book [and e-serials, I would guess as well, since those are all package deals] bibliographic data. More bibliographic data of questionable quality is ingested from a variety of sources. [I have a note about supplementary data as well, but not what his point about it is.]

A second stressor on current library catalogs are the bibliographic records themselves. All are subject to “local practice” guidelines that mean catalogers are re-cataloging the same item over and over again at different institutions. Records can be missing elements and include other mistakes as well. [I think this is the point, though I did not include it in my notes: These problems all get fixed at each institution that finds them, with no way to propagate those changes out to other places.]

Next, Schreur discussed the fact that most library data is stored in relational databases in closed systems. The catalog needs to have MARC records for the discovery process to work but the cost of cataloging an entire MARC record can be prohibitively expensive. This results in a backlog of items that have no record in the database.

Finally, Schreur noted that not only is the data siloed within the individual institutions but the institutions themselves do not have consistent access to their own materials. In an academic environment, for example, data about related resources such as course descriptions and reading lists are not linked to the bibliographic data. They are too expensive to catalog because the only way related materials can be included would be in cataloger-created MARC records.

Schreur stated that Linked Data is the answer to this problem. The Linked Data in an academic environment like Stanford could interact with the Linked Open Data on the web. This takes the data to where people are searching for it. It provides better discoverability and opportunities for innovation. It allows for continuous improvement of data without having to exchange MARC records. MARC data that machines cannot understand becomes machine-actionable data that is directly accessible. It breaks down the silos and allows for unanticipated opportunities.

Moving to Linked Data involves several paradigm shifts. First, MARC bibliographic records are often considered a commodity and can have many restrictions on them. Linked Data, on the other hand, is focused on the free and open exchange of data. Second, from entire MARC bibliographic records, we shift to simple RDF statements. Third, data [i.e. metadata?] will be captured at the point of creation. The RDF triples will result as part of the creation process and they will be heterogeneous. Finally, instead of the problem of limited data that we have now, we will have a problem of an overwhelming amount of data. The triple stores will have to be managed.

Finally, Schreur provided four examples of projects implementing Linked Data:
Bibliotheque nationale de France
Google Knowledge Graph

Allows the user to take one data set and apply it to another data set. [It sounds a lot like RelFinder and Google Refine.]

Bibliotheque nationale de France
This project provides good documentation for its data [data provenance!]. The search results for Edgar Allan Poe include not only bibliographic resources but also related materials that can be found in the Archives & Manuscripts department and links to resources that are outside of the collection entirely, like those in the Europeana project.

This is a project started by Talis. LinkSailor allows the user to follow the links themselves from one place to another: from a map for Heathrow Airport to other airports.

Google Knowledge Graph
Collects links to a resource rather than searching text strings for things related to a resource. This is in use now by Google, it appears next the more traditional text-string search results.

Questions/Discussion for Harper and Schreur

Q: About having authoritative data: For example, scholars are worried about the ESTC being “ruined” by crowd sourcing the data
PS: It is important to have authoritative data still, there will be push-pull between the crowd sourcing and the idea of controlled authoritative data.
CH: The crowd is important, sometimes it is that random person on the Internet who has the necessary knowledge and expertise in the topic. The real value is in how the data gets used on the Web.

Q: If we open the data, where does the value-added cataloging go?
[This is the idea, that if everyone thinks they can get the data from somewhere else, they are not going to pay to have their own quality data created. But it seems to me that the answer is the same that it is now. If you want quality/authoritative data, you have to pay someone to create it. If you are just going to copy catalog, then you take someone else’s data. This is a problem now. The technology of Linked Data is not going to fix what is at its core a cultural problem.]
This query postponed to the panel discussion at end of the session.